Monday, October 25, 2010

Daily Flash available to buy

Daily Flash 2011: 365 Days of Flash Fiction (Anthology), which contains my short-short story, ‘Peer Pressure’, is now available for purchase.
The anthology contains 365 stories of 500 words or less (one a day) for `busy readers'. There is a whole bunch of Aussie writers featured in this one so check it out.

You can pick up a copy from the Publisher or Amazon.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

New story picked up

Chris Bartholomew has picked up my story the Bite of Politics for his anthology Closet Monsters.

The anthology is being published by Static Movement and is due out some time in the near future.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Four more in the bag

Apologies for the break in transmission, although I believe I had a good excuse with the birth of my daughter and all...

Just a note to let you know of some new stories which have been picked up in the past month.

Electicism has taken my story Famous for its January 2011 issue, while Paroxysm Press' 100 Lightnings anthology has snagged my story Feeding Time.

Also due out soon is Red Eye in the Cup of Joe Anthology and Peer Pressure gets another run in Daily Flash: 365 Days of Flash from Pill Hill Press.

Now if only I could find time between nappy changes to do some new writing...